Coach John Walker explains the importance of using explosive power when working on speed training. Speed comes from force application into the ground.
Here is a group of explosiveness drills that you can do if you have access to a vertimax trainer or resistance bands. Even if you do not, box jumps and depth jumps are great for explosiveness training!
Coach Cip from TNT Facility shows different explosion workouts you can try with or without resistance
Epic Strong owner, Jaiya Figueras, trains several HS athletes with unorthodox methods to develop core power, stability, and explosion.
Skill Player Sand Speed Drill
3 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
Football conditioning workout for Skill Players. If you do not have access to a large hill, run stairs instead.
Sand Workout 4 Explosion
Develop explosive speed an agility. Filmore Athletics has one of its elite running backs demonstrate a sand agility workout to develop explosiveness on the football field.
Set up an agility course with ladders or cones and run through sand course to develop lower body explosion.
2 sets of 3 for each drill
1 min rest between sets
Tire Workout 4 Power + Stamina
Champ Brown demonstrates a tire flip drill design to build strength, power and stamina.
3 sets of 1 min
1 min rest between sets
Divonte Beale shows you how he maintains his speed and explosion
Develop explosiveness and speed while increasing your conditioning and power.
Pyramid circuit of squats, box jumps, power cleans, power lunges
4 sets of squats | pyramid up in weight with squat jumps as your superset
4 sets of power cleans | pyramid up in weight with power lunges as your superset (use light weight for the power lunges)