A Self-Care Playbook for Busy Gig Workers

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A Self-Care Playbook For Busy Gig Workers

Written by Eva Benoit

Whether you are a long-time gig worker or finally launching your own business by doing some work on the side, it’s easy to get sidetracked and put your self-care routine on the back burner. But, you should not. Taking good care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your income, not to mention your sanity. Here are a few great tips on how to keep yourself in your best shape mentally and physically, even if you must devote the majority of your energy to your business.

Exercise when you can.

Exercise is an obvious first suggestion when discussing self-care. But, if you do not have time to constantly run to the gym, you may feel like you are at a loss on how to manage your physical fitness. Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to burn calories, and you don’t have to be a professional athlete to do it. One great exercise is jump roping. Jump roping is an excellent cardiovascular workout that also works your shoulders, biceps, and glutes. Get your heart rate going by jump roping for 10 minutes in the morning, at lunchtime, and after work. Playmaker Network offers a great selection of sports equipment, including adjustable speed jump ropes.

Make sleep a priority.

Even if you don’t have a lot of time left over after you work and exercise, you should still block off at least seven hours each night for sleep. Getting better sleep starts by creating a restful environment. Your bedroom should be cool, dark, and quiet. A comfortable mattress and a de-cluttered room will also help you settle in and catch some Zs. According to research by UCLA, sleep is crucial for brain maintenance. When you get enough sleep, the damage done during the day is repaired. This means you are better mentally prepared to handle intellectually, emotionally, and physically taxing daily tasks.

Outsource time-consuming tasks.

Speaking of daily duties, there’s actually no reason that you have to do everything on your own. Some chores can easily be outsourced, freeing up time for you to focus on your business, your exercise routine, or sleep. Hiring a maid to clean is one of these. Not only will you enjoy a clean house – which can also make you more productive – also won’t have to worry about staying stocked up on cleaning supplies. For your business, you can do things like using an LLC formation service to get your structure in place. A formation service will have done the research for you, and it is much cheaper than using an attorney.

Snack wisely. 

Nutrition is paramount to your overall health. But, since you work long hours, you may not be able to meal prep to ensure you always have healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners ready to go at mealtime. Because of your hectic schedule, you probably skip more meals than you should. To compensate, plan on keeping healthy snacks handy at all times. Self suggests pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, almonds, and beef jerky. Popcorn, homemade energy balls, and DIY trail mix are also great options. But pay close attention to how you snack; aimlessly eating out of boredom does little for your health. Instead, it just adds calories to your daily intake. Be mindful that you fill the gaps to sustain energy and stave off hunger not simply to fill the time.

Indulge now and then. 

Constantly experiencing the pleasure of the finer things in life may not be the best for your health, but the occasional treat is. It may be something as simple as taking a long bubble bath or treating yourself to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, but small indulgences can go a long way toward keeping you mentally balanced. Plus, treating yourself every now and then is a great way to remember what you’re working toward, which is a better quality of life.

When you are working toward a better future, the bulk of your energy will no doubt go into establishing your business. But, you can’t forget to build on yourself either. Simple self-care – in any form – will help you live your best life while building yourself up so that you can build your nest egg. The bottom line: don’t neglect yourself. Your physical and emotional health along with the success of your entrepreneurial efforts depend on it.

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