Handling Youth Sports During The Pandemic

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has impinged on the normal lifestyle of human beings quite massively. Thus, it is quite natural that the sports culture will be affected by the same as well. 

Since the beginning of the virulent disease, various games have been canceled. Many youth football organizations for the fall, including the Snoop League and American Youth Football League (AYFL) has decided to cancel it as well.

So, it probably is somewhat disappointing for the hopeful children who were looking forward to it.  However, not all hope is lost. Recently, many football coaching centers have started opening their competitions up again.  

Thus, if you want your child to be on top of his form, then you can always send them there. But, before you do so, you will have to follow some hygienic tips. The following are a few of them. 

For Parents 

As a responsible parent, you will have to ask your children to do the following to minimize the risk of COVID-19 contagion.  

  • Wear Masks

Wearing masks have become a must for everyone these days. Thus, when you are letting your child go somewhere public, such as a practice or training center, you will have to maintain this rule as well. You may also ask your child to take some extra ones with him as well. It can help him or her to have an alternative if the other one has been damaged.   

  • Use Hand Sanitizers

While playing football, your kid will perspire profusely. Thus, in some cases, he might use his hands to wipe the drops of sweat. Now, in today’s scenario, it may prove to be highly dangerous. So, make sure to ask them to use a hand sanitizer from time to time. 

  • Drink a Substantial Amount of Water

Football is, indeed, highly physical and strenuous. Hence, your son is most likely to feel thirsty within fifteen to twenty minutes of his practice. Thus, you will have to provide him with enough water so that he can survive through the day without any consequences. Sharing water, especially during this catastrophe, is not ideal at all.

  • Ask Them Not to Share Gear

Many kids tend to share their gears with each other when one of them is done playing. However, during the prevalence of COVID-19, it might be somewhat dangerous for everyone. So, besides everything else, you should also ask your kid not to share anything with anyone at all. 

  • Be Their Partner

In most cases, the parents tend to tell their kids to go to the training center all alone. Well, you would have to avoid doing the same for the time being. The children usually tend to be quite volatile. Thus, they will definitely forget everything that you have said to them. Due to this reason, you should always be their travel partner and go with them in their training. Be sure to keep an eye on their activities and remind them about the usage of hand sanitizers as well. 

For Coaches 

As a coach of the kids, you will have to follow through some responsibilities as well. The following are a few of them. 

  • Go For Drills 

Playing football is all about having more strength, intensity, precision, and skill. However, due to the current situation, you will have to enhance the skillset of the little trainees through various drills. This way, none of them will have to come close to one another while working out. Thus, the risk of the contagious disease will reduce quite remarkably as well.   

  • Play Smaller Teams 

Some skills in football are best learned through playing experience. So, if you want to further the progress of the kids, then you will have to make them play with each other. However, there is a healthy way to do so. You can make smaller teams, such as two vs. two, and begin the drill altogether. It will definitely help your apprentices in having a real-life playing experience and reduce the spreading chances of COVID-19. 

In all honesty, playing games, especially football, is, indeed, one of the best ways to augment the growth of a kid. However, due to the pandemic, it has become almost impossible for anyone to indulge in outdoor sports. But, if you, the coach, and your kid follow the previously mentioned tips, then you can definitely lower the chances of contagion. Good luck!